chorionic villus sampling


a prenatal test for detecting birth defects at an early stage of pregnancy, involving removal by needle of fluid from the chorionic villus, and examination of the cells obtained.

British Dictionary definitions for chorionic villus sampling

chorionic villus sampling


a method of diagnosing genetic disorders early in pregnancy by the removal by catheter through the cervix or abdomen of a tiny sample of tissue from the chorionic villi Abbreviation: CVS

Medical definitions for chorionic villus sampling

chorionic villus sampling


A prenatal test to detect birth defects that is performed at an early stage of pregnancy and involves retrieval and examination of tissue from the chorionic villi.

Scientific definitions for chorionic villus sampling

chorionic villus sampling
[ kôr′ē-ŏnĭk ]

A prenatal procedure performed in the first trimester of pregnancy to detect chromosomal defects, consisting of retrieval and examination of tissue from the chorionic villi (projections on the surface of the chorion). The tissue is obtained by passing a catheter through the cervix into the placenta.