So we have a graduate of Choate or Beverly Hills High who attends Wharton, and goes to work for, say, Goldman Sachs.
One of my favorite teachers at Choate, Mr. Yankus, had a similar warning against using the verb “to be” in any essay.
But embarrassed administrators at Choate have been in lockdown on disclosing details.
Don't generalize all Choate students to be in the same category as those girls.
With Choate, his library of some eight thousand volumes was his home, and "his authors were the loves of his life."
What has that young man done for you, my dear, young Choate?
It is hard to see how any man could be better equipped for professional practice than Mr. Choate was at this time.
Then it seemed to her that Choate did a thing unsurpassed in splendour.
The impudence of it, Choate knew, was only equalled by its coolness.