But not before Chloe climbs to the top of the highest bridge in NYC in preparation of killing herself.
Then, Chloe and her father have a heart to heart about how “crazy Mom the Christian is,” and then Rayford gets on the plane.
A lot of the hip people represented by her agency, Artists by Chloe, also smoke these elaborate digital devices.
But as time goes by, Chloe falls ill and begins to wither away.
Efram soon lands at LeMay Senior High School, where he meets Chloe.
She was helping Chloe set the table, to that lady's intense delight at "Missy's" girlish housewifery.
For a moment there was silence, while Chloe played absently with a bracelet she had just discarded.
The day is indelibly stamped on my memory when I exposed my Chloe for sale in the public market-place.
Helen flew up to the dressing-room which, sure enough, Chloe had reached before her.
Chloe paled a little, and when she spoke her voice was uneasy.