
[ kahyt-n, kahy-ton ]
/ ˈkaɪt n, ˈkaɪ tɒn /


Also called sea cradle. a mollusk of the class Amphineura, having a mantle covered with calcareous plates, found adhering to rocks.
a gown or tunic, with or without sleeves, worn by both sexes in ancient Greece.

Origin of chiton

1810–20; < Greek chitṓn tunic < Semitic (compare Hebrew kuttōneth tunic); ultimately < Sumerian

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British Dictionary definitions for chiton

/ (ˈkaɪtən, -tɒn) /


(in ancient Greece and Rome) a loose woollen tunic worn knee length by men and full length by women
Also called: coat-of-mail shell any small primitive marine mollusc of the genus Chiton and related genera, having an elongated body covered with eight overlapping shell plates: class Amphineura

Word Origin for chiton

C19: from Greek khitōn coat of mail, of Semitic origin; related to Hebrew kethōnet