cerebral palsy

noun Pathology.

a form of paralysis believed to be caused by a prenatal brain defect or by brain injury during birth, most marked in certain motor areas and characterized by difficulty in control of the voluntary muscles.

Origin of cerebral palsy

First recorded in 1920–25

OTHER WORDS FROM cerebral palsy

cerebral palsied, adjective

British Dictionary definitions for cerebral palsy

cerebral palsy


a nonprogressive impairment of muscular function and weakness of the limbs, caused by lack of oxygen to the brain immediately after birth, brain injury during birth, or viral infection

Medical definitions for cerebral palsy

cerebral palsy


A disorder usually caused by brain damage occurring at or before birth and marked by muscular impairment. Often accompanied by poor coordination, it sometimes involves speech and learning difficulties.

Other words from cerebral palsy

cere•bral-palsied (sĕrə-brəl-pôlzēd, sə-rē-) adj.

Scientific definitions for cerebral palsy

cerebral palsy

A motor disorder often caused by brain injury occurring at or before birth, characterized by muscular impairment and symptoms such as poor coordination, spasm, abnormal stiffness, speech difficulties, and sometimes paralysis. Some children with cerebral palsy have accompanying neurologic conditions such as epilepsy, learning disorders, and mental retardation.

Cultural definitions for cerebral palsy

cerebral palsy
[ (pawl-zee) ]

A disorder marked by lack of muscle coordination and sometimes accompanied by speech defects. It is caused by brain damage present at birth or experienced during birth or infancy.