
[ bur-guh-mas-ter, -mah-ster ]
/ ˈbɜr gəˌmæs tər, -ˌmɑ stər /


the chief magistrate of a municipal town of Holland, Flanders, Germany, or Austria.

Origin of burgomaster

1585–95; < Dutch burgemeester, equivalent to burg borough + meester master, cognate with German Bürgermeister major

OTHER WORDS FROM burgomaster

bur·go·mas·ter·ship, noun

Words nearby burgomaster

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British Dictionary definitions for burgomaster

/ (ˈbɜːɡəˌmɑːstə) /


the chief magistrate of a town in Austria, Belgium, Germany, or the Netherlands; mayor
a popular name for the glaucous gull

Word Origin for burgomaster

C16: partial translation of Dutch burgemeester; see borough, master