
[ bruhth-er-hoo d ]
/ ˈbrʌð ərˌhʊd /


the condition or quality of being a brother or brothers.
the quality of being brotherly; fellowship.
a fraternal or trade organization.
all those engaged in a particular trade or profession or sharing a common interest or quality.
the belief that all people should act with warmth and equality toward one another, regardless of differences in nationality, creed, ethnicity, etc.

Origin of brotherhood

1250–1300; Middle English brithirhod (see brother, -hood); replacing early Middle English brotherhede; see -head

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British Dictionary definitions for brotherhood

/ (ˈbrʌðəˌhʊd) /


the state of being related as a brother or brothers
an association or fellowship, such as a trade union
all persons engaged in a particular profession, trade, etc
the belief, feeling, or hope that all people should regard and treat one another as equals