
[ broh-muh-krip-teen ]
/ ˌbroʊ məˈkrɪp tin /

noun Pharmacology.

an ergot derivative, C32H40BrN5O5, that inhibits prolactin and growth hormone secretions and stimulates dopamine production in the brain, used to prevent postpartum lactation and in the treatments of acromegaly and Parkinson's disease.

Origin of bromocriptine

1975–80; shortening and alteration of bromoergocryptine, equivalent to bromo- + ergocryptine < German Ergokryptin an alkaloid derivative of ergotoxine ( ergo- ergo-2 + Greek krypt(ós) hidden + -in -in2; perhaps so called because the independent nature of the derivative was not initially recognized)

Medical definitions for bromocriptine

[ brō′mō-krĭptēn′ ]


An ergot alkaloid that slows dopamine turnover and inhibits prolactin secretion and thus is used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease and to retard the growth of various pituitary tumors.