Boolean algebra
[ boo-lee-uh n ]
/ ˈbu li ən /
a deductive logical system, usually applied to classes, in which, under the operations of intersection and symmetric difference, classes are treated as algebraic quantities.
a ring with a multiplicative identity in which every element is an idempotent.
British Dictionary definitions for boolean algebra
Boolean algebra
/ (ˈbuːlɪən) /
a system of symbolic logic devised by George Boole to codify logical operations. It is used in computers
Scientific definitions for boolean algebra
Boolean algebra
[ bōō′lē-ən ]
A form of symbolic logic, in which variables, which stand for propositions, have only the values true (or 1) and false (or 0). Relationships between these values are expressed by the Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT. For example, a + b means a OR b, and its value is true as long as either a is true or b is true (or both). Boolean logic can be used to solve logical problems, and provides the mathematical tools fundamental to the design of digital computers. It is named after the mathematician George Boole. Also called Boolean logic See also logic gate.