The bookstore was opened as a way of presenting Italian books and culture to Manhattanites.
What it did not resemble was any other bookstore in the nation.
Anti-Korean publications are sold at every bookstore in Japan.
They shot to the top of the bestseller lists after he offered free drink to anyone buying his books at bookstore poetry readings.
Hillary was everywhere, from news shows to bookstore signings to People magazine.
Agamemnon agreed to go over to the bookstore to get a quill.
I went down to the dormitory this morning and, as usual, there were about half a dozen boys standing before Morton's bookstore.
It contained a hall for scientific lectures and theological discussions, a free dispensary, a gymnasium, and a bookstore.
The clerk in the bookstore had recommended it, and he thought Phil might like it.
All the bookstore keepers of every large city are bound together in a loosely organized society for mutual protection.