blue vitriol

noun Chemistry, Mineralogy.

a salt, copper sulfate, CuSO4⋅5H2O, occurring naturally as large transparent, deep-blue triclinic crystals, appearing in its anhydrous state as a white powder: used chiefly as a mordant, insecticide, fungicide, and in engraving.
Also called blue copperas, chalcanthite, cupric sulfate.

Origin of blue vitriol

First recorded in 1760–70

British Dictionary definitions for blue copperas

blue vitriol


the fully hydrated blue crystalline form of copper sulphate

Scientific definitions for blue copperas

blue vitriol

A blue, crystalline compound of copper sulfate. Blue vitriol is soluble in water, and is a very important industrial salt of copper. It is used in insecticides and germicides, in electrolytes for batteries, and in electroplating baths. Chemical formula: CuSO4·5H2O.