Idioms for stack

    blow one's stack, Slang. to lose one's temper or become uncontrollably angry, especially to display one's fury, as by shouting: When he came in and saw the mess he blew his stack.
    stack the deck,
    1. to arrange cards or a pack of cards so as to cheat: He stacked the deck and won every hand.
    2. to manipulate events, information, etc., especially unethically, in order to achieve an advantage or desired result.

Origin of stack

1250–1300; (noun) Middle English stak < Old Norse stakkr haystack; (v.) Middle English stakken, derivative of the v.


stack·er, noun stack·less, adjective re·stack, verb (used with object) un·stack, adjective, verb

British Dictionary definitions for blow one's stack

/ (stæk) /


verb (tr)

Derived forms of stack

stackable, adjective stacker, noun

Word Origin for stack

C13: from Old Norse stakkr haystack, of Germanic origin; related to Russian stog

Scientific definitions for blow one's stack

[ stăk ]

An isolated, columnar mass or island of rock along a coastal cliff. Stacks are formed by the erosion of cliffs through wave action and are larger than chimneys.

Idioms and Phrases with blow one's stack
