
[ bluhd-thur-stee ]
/ ˈblʌdˌθɜr sti /


eager to shed blood; murderous: to capture a bloodthirsty criminal.
enjoying or encouraging bloodshed or violence, especially as a spectator or clamorous partisan: the bloodthirsty urgings of the fight fans.

Origin of bloodthirsty

First recorded in 1525–35; blood + thirsty

OTHER WORDS FROM bloodthirsty

blood·thirst·i·ly, adverb blood·thirst·i·ness, noun

Example sentences from the Web for bloodthirsty

British Dictionary definitions for bloodthirsty

/ (ˈblʌdˌθɜːstɪ) /

adjective -thirstier or -thirstiest

murderous; cruel
taking pleasure in bloodshed or violence
describing or depicting killing and violence; gruesome a bloodthirsty film

Derived forms of bloodthirsty

bloodthirstily, adverb bloodthirstiness, noun