After laying down some inspiration, Sophia had one last question: “Blanche, will you marry me?”
As the House voted to repeal Obamacare, Blanche Lincoln reflected on the vote that helped end her political career.
In one episode, Blanche agrees to a date with a man before she discovers he's in a wheelchair.
Worrywarts like Senator Blanche Lincoln bled the health-care bill dry.
Meanwhile, prominent Democratic women—senators Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas and Patty Murray in Washington—are on the ropes.
So Blanche ran from place to place in restless dismay, that caused Mr. George Rivers to ask what was the matter.
"And Blanche, I suppose, is her grandfather's heir," said Warrington.
Blanche had not felt so happy since 329she left the Highland strath as she did when she found herself riding by her father's side.
You ought not to have come over without my permission, Blanche.
Blanche passed her little hand over his mouth, and Frank proceeded.