
[ blak-jak ]
/ ˈblækˌdʒæk /


verb (used with object)

to strike or beat with a blackjack.
to compel by threat.

Origin of blackjack

First recorded in 1505–15; black + jack1

Definition for blackjack (2 of 2)

[ pur-shing or for 2, -zhing ]
/ ˈpɜr ʃɪŋ or for 2, -ʒɪŋ /


John JosephBlackjack,1860–1948, U.S. general: commander of the American Expeditionary Forces in World War I.
  1. a 46-ton (42 metric tons) U.S. heavy tank of 1944–52, with a five-man crew and a 90mm gun.
  2. a two-stage surface-to-surface ballistic missile.

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British Dictionary definitions for blackjack (1 of 7)

blackjack 1
/ (ˈblækˌdʒæk) mainly US and Canadian /


a truncheon of leather-covered lead with a flexible shaft


(tr) to hit with or as if with a blackjack
(tr) to compel (a person) by threats

Word Origin for blackjack

C19: from black + jack 1 (implement)

British Dictionary definitions for blackjack (2 of 7)

blackjack 2
/ (ˈblækˌdʒæk) /

noun cards

pontoon or any of various similar card games
the ace of spades

Word Origin for blackjack

C20: from black + jack 1 (the knave)

British Dictionary definitions for blackjack (3 of 7)

blackjack 3
/ (ˈblækˌdʒæk) /


a dark iron-rich variety of the mineral sphalerite

Word Origin for blackjack

C18: from black + jack 1 (originally a miner's name for this useless ore)

British Dictionary definitions for blackjack (4 of 7)

blackjack 4
/ (ˈblækˌdʒæk) /


a small oak tree, Quercus marilandica, of the southeastern US, with blackish bark and fan-shaped leaves Also called: blackjack oak

Word Origin for blackjack

C19: from black + jack 1 (from the proper name, popularly used in many plant names)

British Dictionary definitions for blackjack (5 of 7)

blackjack 5
/ (ˈblækˌdʒæk) /


a tarred leather tankard or jug

Word Origin for blackjack

C16: from black + jack ³

British Dictionary definitions for blackjack (6 of 7)

Pershing 1
/ (ˈpɜːʃɪŋ) /


John Joseph, nickname Black Jack. 1860–1948, US general. He was commander in chief of the American Expeditionary Force in Europe (1917–19)

British Dictionary definitions for blackjack (7 of 7)

Pershing 2


a US ballistic missile capable of carrying a nuclear or conventional warhead