Black Sea


a sea between Europe and Asia, bordered by Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Georgia, and the Russian Federation. 164,000 sq. mi. (424,760 sq. km).
Also called Euxine Sea. Ancient Pon·tus Eux·i·nus [yook-sahy-nuh s] /yukˈsaɪ nəs/.

British Dictionary definitions for black sea

Black Sea


an inland sea between SE Europe and Asia: connected to the Aegean Sea by the Bosporus, the Sea of Marmara, and the Dardanelles, and to the Sea of Azov by the Kerch Strait. Area: about 415 000 sq km (160 000 sq miles) Ancient names: Pontus Euxinus, Euxine Sea

Cultural definitions for black sea

Black Sea

Sea between Europe and Asia, bordered on the north by Moldova and Ukraine, on the northeast by Russia, on the east by Georgia, on the south by Turkey, and on the west by Bulgaria and Romania. It receives many great rivers, including the Danube, the Dnieper, and by way of the Sea of Azov, the Don.

notes for Black Sea

It is a popular resort area for Russians and eastern Europeans.