[ bih-stroo ]
/ bɪˈstru /
verb (used with object), be·strewed, be·strewed or be·strewn, be·strew·ing.
to strew or cover (a surface).
to strew or scatter about.
to lie scattered over.
Words nearby bestrew
Example sentences from the Web for bestrew
Without any signs of dizziness or staggering, he walked between the boulders which bestrew the path.
The Wolf Cub |Patrick CaseyHe kept sending flowers, as if to bestrew the path of his retreat, which was never the path of a return.
The Pupil |Henry JamesBrush over with butter and bestrew with sugar, cinnamon, and currants.
The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book |Victor Hirtzler
British Dictionary definitions for bestrew
/ (bɪˈstruː) /
verb -strews, -strewing, -strewed, -strewn or -strewed
to scatter or lie scattered over (a surface)