
[ moo s-uh-lee-nee, moo-suh-; Italian moos-saw-lee-nee ]
/ ˌmʊs əˈli ni, ˌmu sə-; Italian ˌmus sɔˈli ni /


Be·ni·to [buh-nee-toh; Italian be-nee-taw] /bəˈni toʊ; Italian bɛˈni tɔ/, Il Duce,1883–1945, Italian Fascist leader: premier of Italy 1922–43.

British Dictionary definitions for benito mussolini

/ (ˌmʊsəˈliːnɪ, Italian mussoˈliːni) /


Benito (beˈniːto) known as il Duce. 1883–1945, Italian Fascist dictator. After the Fascist march on Rome, he was appointed prime minister by King Victor Emmanuel III (1922) and assumed dictatorial powers. He annexed Abyssinia and allied Italy with Germany (1936), entering World War II in 1940. He was forced to resign following the Allied invasion of Sicily (1943) and was eventually shot by Italian partisans