
[ ba-toh; French ba-toh ]
/ bæˈtoʊ; French baˈtoʊ /

noun, plural ba·teaux [ba-tohz; French ba-toh] /bæˈtoʊz; French baˈtoʊ/.

Also batteau. Nautical.
  1. Chiefly Canadian and Southern U.S.. a small, flat-bottomed rowboat used on rivers.
  2. a half-decked, sloop-rigged boat used for fishing on Chesapeake Bay; skipjack.
  3. (in some regions) a scow.
a pontoon of a floating bridge.

Origin of bateau

1705–15, Americanism; < French; Old French batel, equivalent to bat (< Old English bāt boat) + -el diminutive suffix < Latin -ellus; see -elle

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British Dictionary definitions for bateau

/ (bæˈtəʊ, French bato) /

noun plural -teaux (-təʊz, French -to)

a light flat-bottomed boat used on rivers in Canada and the northern US

Word Origin for bateau

C18: from French: boat, from Old French batel, from Old English bāt; see boat