atomic bomb

or atom bomb


a bomb whose potency is derived from nuclear fission of atoms of fissionable material with the consequent conversion of part of their mass into energy.
a bomb whose explosive force comes from a chain reaction based on nuclear fission in U-235 or plutonium.
Also called A-bomb, fission bomb.

Origin of atomic bomb

First recorded in 1910–15

British Dictionary definitions for atomic bomb

atomic bomb

atom bomb


a type of bomb in which the energy is provided by nuclear fission. Uranium-235 and plutonium-239 are the isotopes most commonly used in atomic bombs Also called: A-bomb, fission bomb Compare fusion bomb

Scientific definitions for atomic bomb

atomic bomb

A very destructive bomb that derives its explosive power from the fission of atomic nuclei. Atomic bombs usually have plutonium 239 or uranium 235 as their fissionable material. Also called atom bomb

Cultural definitions for atomic bomb (1 of 2)

atomic bomb

A nuclear weapon whose enormous explosive power results from the sudden release of energy from a fission reaction. (See also Hiroshima (see also Hiroshima), hydrogen bomb, Nagasaki, and Strategic Arms Limitation Talks [SALT].)

Cultural definitions for atomic bomb (2 of 2)

atomic bomb

A bomb that is powered by nuclear fission, and therefore produces a quick release of energy and great destruction.