athlete's foot

noun Pathology.

a contagious disease, caused by a fungus that thrives on moist surfaces; ringworm of the feet.

Origin of athlete's foot

An Americanism dating back to 1925–30

British Dictionary definitions for athlete's foot

athlete's foot


a fungal infection of the skin of the foot, esp between the toes and on the soles Technical name: tinea pedis

Medical definitions for athlete's foot

athlete's foot
[ ăthlēts ]


A contagious fungal skin infection caused by a species of Trichophyton or Epidermophyton that usually affects the feet, especially the skin between the toes, and is characterized by itching, blisters, cracking, and scaling; ringworm of the foot. tinea pedis

Cultural definitions for athlete's foot

athlete's foot

An infection of the skin that usually attacks the feet, causing itching, peeling, and redness. Athlete's foot is caused by a kind of fungus that thrives in damp places.