
[ leest ]
/ list /

adjective, a superl. of little with less or lesser as compar.

smallest in size, amount, degree, etc.; slightest: He gave the least amount of money of anyone.
lowest in consideration, position, or importance.


something that is least; the least amount, quantity, degree, etc.
South Midland U.S. the youngest in a family or group.

adverb superl. of little with less as compar.

to the smallest extent, amount, or degree: That's the least important question of all. He talks least.

Idioms for least

    at least,
    1. at the lowest estimate or figure: The repairs will cost at least $100.
    2. at any rate; in any case: You didn't get a good grade, but at least you passed the course.
    Also at the least.
    not in the least, not in the smallest degree; not at all: I am not in the least concerned about the outcome of the World Series.

Origin of least

before 950; Middle English leest(e), Old English lǣst, superlative of lǣssa less


least lest let's

British Dictionary definitions for at least

/ (liːst) /


  1. the least the superlative of little you have the least talent of anyone
  2. (as pronoun; functioning as sing)least isn't necessarily worst
at least
  1. if nothing elseyou should at least try
  2. at the least
at the least or at least at the minimum at the least you should earn a hundred pounds
in the least (usually used with a negative) in the slightest degree; at all I don't mind in the least


the least superlative of little they travel the least of all


of very little importance or rank

Word Origin for least

Old English lǣst, superlative of lǣssa less

Idioms and Phrases with at least (1 of 2)

at least


Also, at the least. According to the lowest possible assessment, no less than. For example, At least a dozen more chairs are needed, or The job will take four hours at the least. [c. 1050]


Anyway, anyhow, as in At least you got there on time, or The children enjoyed the dessert at least. [c. 1050] For synonyms, see at any rate; in any case.

Idioms and Phrases with at least (2 of 2)
