
[ as-ig-nat; French a-see-nya ]
/ ˈæs ɪgˌnæt; French a siˈnya /

noun, plural as·sig·nats [as-ig-nats; French a-see-nya] /ˈæs ɪgˌnæts; French a siˈnya/. French History.

one of the notes issued as paper currency from 1789 to 1796 by the revolutionary government on the security of confiscated lands.

Origin of assignat

1780–90; < French < Latin assignātus assigned (past participle of assignāre). See assign, -ate1

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British Dictionary definitions for assignat

/ (ˈæsɪɡˌnæt, ˌæsɪˈnjɑː, French asiɲa) /


French history the paper money issued by the Constituent Assembly in 1789, backed by the confiscated land of the Church and the émigrés

Word Origin for assignat

C18: from French, from Latin assignātum something appointed; see assign