
[ uh-reynj-muh nt ]
/ əˈreɪndʒ mənt /


an act of arranging; state of being arranged.
the manner or way in which things are arranged: a tactful arrangement of the seating at dinner.
a final settlement; adjustment by agreement: The arrangement with the rebels lasted only two weeks.
Usually arrangements. preparatory measures; plans; preparations: They made arrangements for an early departure.
something arranged in a particular way: a floral arrangement; the arrangement of chairs for the seminar.
  1. the adaptation of a composition to voices or instruments, or to a new purpose.
  2. a piece so adapted.

Idioms for arrangement

    final arrangements, the planning or scheduling of funeral services and burial: Final arrangements are still pending.

Origin of arrangement

From French, dating back to 1720–30; see origin at arrange, -ment

OTHER WORDS FROM arrangement

re·ar·range·ment, noun

Words nearby arrangement

Example sentences from the Web for arrangement

British Dictionary definitions for arrangement

/ (əˈreɪndʒmənt) /
