
[ uh-reyn ]
/ əˈreɪn /

verb (used with object)

to call or bring before a court to answer to an indictment.
to accuse or charge in general; criticize adversely; censure.

Origin of arraign

1275–1325; Middle English arainen < Anglo-French arainer, Old French araisnier, equivalent to a- a-5 + raisnier < Vulgar Latin *ratiōnāre to talk, reason; see ratio


ar·raign·er, noun un·ar·raigned, adjective

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British Dictionary definitions for arraigned

/ (əˈreɪn) /

verb (tr)

to bring (a prisoner) before a court to answer an indictment
to call to account; complain about; accuse

Derived forms of arraign

arraigner, noun arraignment, noun

Word Origin for arraign

C14: from Old French araisnier to speak, accuse, from a- ² + raisnier, from Vulgar Latin ratiōnāre (unattested) to talk, argue, from Latin ratiō a reasoning