One bystander said he was told to tell the media that they were from al Qaeda in Yemen, or al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.
Baghdadi and his supporters have attempted, and failed, to woo al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) on multiple occasions.
As the Arabian Peninsula flourished, the area became the center of cultural development.
Ansar al Sharia is the local named used for the organization Washington calls Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).
If Taliban is allegedly sponsored by some Arabian countries, the Russian Orthodox Army obviously has support from Russia.
The Arabian tale of Muléykeh is the most perfect and pathetic piece in the volume.
She united, he says, the sweetness of the German lady with the energy of the Arabian, a combination hard to judge of.
He has heard the Arabian Nights retold and knows the inward kernel of that romance, which some?
No one characterized this story fitly, for all perceived that the Arabian must know its nature very well.
In the deserts, and among the vast plains of the Arabian Peninsula, a race had slumbered inactive for twenty centuries.