
[ uh-prok-suh-mey-shuh n ]
/ əˌprɒk səˈmeɪ ʃən /


a guess or estimate: Ninety-three million miles is an approximation of the distance of the earth from the sun.
nearness in space, position, degree, or relation; proximity; closeness.
Mathematics, Physics. a result that is not necessarily exact, but is within the limits of accuracy required for a given purpose.

Origin of approximation

1400–50; late Middle English approximacioun (< Middle French) < Medieval Latin approximātiōn-, stem of approximātiō. See approximate, -ion

OTHER WORDS FROM approximation

ap·prox·i·ma·tive, adjective

Example sentences from the Web for approximation

British Dictionary definitions for approximation

/ (əˌprɒksɪˈmeɪʃən) /


the process or result of making a rough calculation, estimate, or guess he based his conclusion on his own approximation of the fuel consumption
an imprecise or unreliable record or version an approximation of what really happened
maths an inexact number, relationship, or theory that is sufficiently accurate for a specific purpose
  1. an estimate of the value of some quantity to a desired degree of accuracy
  2. an expression in simpler terms than a given expression which approximates to it

Medical definitions for approximation

[ ə-prŏk′sə-māshən ]


Bringing tissue edges into desired apposition for suturing.