
[ ap-ri-hen-shuhn ]
/ ˌæp rɪˈhɛn ʃən /


anticipation of adversity or misfortune; suspicion or fear of future trouble or evil.
the faculty or act of apprehending or understanding; perception on a direct and immediate level.
acceptance of or receptivity to information without passing judgment on its validity, often without complete comprehension.
a view, opinion, or idea on any subject.
the act of arresting; seizure: Police apprehension of the burglar was aided by two alert teenagers.

Origin of apprehension

1350–1400; Middle English (< Old French) < Late Latin apprehēnsiōn- (stem of apprehēnsiō), equivalent to apprehens- (see apprehensible) + -iōn- -ion

synonym study for apprehension

1. Apprehension, anxiety, misgiving imply an unsettled and uneasy state of mind. Apprehension is an active state of fear, usually of some danger or misfortune: apprehension before opening a telegram. Anxiety is a somewhat prolonged state of apprehensive worry: anxiety because of a reduced income. Misgiving implies a dubious uncertainty or suspicion, as well as uneasiness: to have misgivings about the investment.

OTHER WORDS FROM apprehension

non·ap·pre·hen·sion, noun o·ver·ap·pre·hen·sion, noun pre·ap·pre·hen·sion, noun re·ap·pre·hen·sion, noun

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British Dictionary definitions for apprehension

/ (ˌæprɪˈhɛnʃən) /


fear or anxiety over what may happen
the act of capturing or arresting
the faculty of comprehending; understanding
a notion or conception