
[ ap-li-key ]
/ ˌæp lɪˈkeɪ /


ornamentation, as a cutout design, that is sewn on to or otherwise applied to a piece of material.
work so formed.
a decorative feature, as a sconce, applied to a surface.

verb (used with object), ap·pli·quéd, ap·pli·qué·ing.

to apply as appliqué to.

Origin of appliqué

1835–45; < French: applied, fastened to, past participle of appliquer to apply

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British Dictionary definitions for applique

/ (æˈpliːkeɪ) /


a decoration or trimming of one material sewn or otherwise fixed onto another
the practice of decorating in this way

verb -qués, -quéing or -quéd

(tr) to sew or fix (a decoration) on as an appliqué

Word Origin for appliqué

C18: from French, literally: applied