One comes to me from Mr. Hyde, my wonderful English teacher at Andover.
I went to Andover with Belichick in the 1970s (he was there for a postgraduate year while I was kept prisoner for four years).
Now, Leno is a Boston boy, a graduate of Emerson College and raised in nearby Andover, Massachusetts.
She is not to the manor born, not having met her husband at an Andover dance.
I lived in Andover, Massachusetts, and I was good at languages.
When the Andover team ran out upon the field we were all anxious to see how big Holt loomed up.
He sat down beneath a boulder and smoked, while Andover talked with the others.
Andover girls were country girls, but not of rustic (any more than of metropolitan) social training.
I merely remarked how sad it was that poor Andover was dead.
Andover had felt confident of winning, but a combination of hard luck and a poor and unfamiliar track tended to cause her defeat.