Amidst all the pandemonium, the show just carried on to the consternation of some guests.
But how did Hard Choices do amidst this mass media onslaught?
Amidst the rampage, Iraqi officers and soldiers abandoned critical outposts in and around the Kurdish majority city of Kirkuk.
Serdykuov was quietly “amnestied” last week, amidst the global fixation on events in Ukraine.
As it is, amidst mixed reviews and controversy, prices for the Bangerz tour on the secondary market continue to drop.
He was what a workman would be to-day who, amidst great factories,22 worked alone.
The other wounded were torn to pieces in sight of the column, amidst the ferocious cries of the Kabyles.
Quickly the dance is done—and amidst the applause of all the court, and with flushed face, she passes before the king and bows.
Amid swinging censers and perfumed lamps, amidst velvet and glory, we long for rain and frost.
And amidst the yo—yoing of the whole four, the chaise stopped.