
[ al-tim-i-ter, al-tuh-mee-ter ]
/ ælˈtɪm ɪ tər, ˈæl təˌmi tər /


a sensitive aneroid barometer that is graduated and calibrated, used chiefly in aircraft for finding distance above sea level, terrain, or some other reference point by a comparison of air pressures.
any device used for the same purpose that operates by some other means, as by radio waves.

Origin of altimeter

First recorded in 1820–30; alti- + -meter

Example sentences from the Web for altimeter

British Dictionary definitions for altimeter

/ (ælˈtɪmɪtə, ˈæltɪˌmiːtə) /


an instrument that indicates height above sea level, esp one based on an aneroid barometer and fitted to an aircraft

Scientific definitions for altimeter

[ ăl-tĭmĭ-tər ]

An instrument that measures and indicates the height above sea level at which an object, such as an airplane, is located.