
[ uh-furm ]
/ əˈfɜrm /

verb (used with object)

to state or assert positively; maintain as true: to affirm one's loyalty to one's country; He affirmed that all was well.
to confirm or ratify: The appellate court affirmed the judgment of the lower court.
to assert solemnly: He affirmed his innocence.
to express agreement with or commitment to; uphold; support: to affirm human rights.

verb (used without object)

  1. to state something solemnly before a court or magistrate, but without oath.
  2. to ratify and accept a voidable transaction.
  3. (of an appellate court) to determine that the action of the lower court shall stand.

Origin of affirm

1300–50; < Latin affirmāre, equivalent to af- af- + firmāre to make firm (see firm1); replacing Middle English a(f) fermen < Middle French afermer < Latin

synonym study for affirm

1. See declare.


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British Dictionary definitions for affirm

/ (əˈfɜːm) /

verb (mainly tr)

(may take a clause as object) to declare to be true; assert positively
to uphold, confirm, or ratify
(intr) law to make an affirmation

Derived forms of affirm

affirmer or affirmant, noun

Word Origin for affirm

C14: via Old French from Latin affirmāre to present (something) as firm or fixed, assert, from ad- to + firmāre to make firm 1