absolute value

noun Mathematics.

Also called numerical value. the magnitude of a quantity, irrespective of sign; the distance of a quantity from zero. The absolute value of a number is symbolized by two vertical lines, as |3| or |−3| is equal to 3.
the square root of the sum of the squares of the real and imaginary parts of a given complex number, as |a + bi| is equal to .
Also called modulus.

Origin of absolute value

First recorded in 1905–10

British Dictionary definitions for absolute value

absolute value

noun maths

the positive real number equal to a given real but disregarding its sign. Written | x |. Where r is positive, | r | = r = | – r |
Also called: modulus a measure of the magnitude of a complex number, represented by the length of a line in the Argand diagram: | x + i y | = √(x ² + y ²), so | 4 + 3i | = 5

Scientific definitions for absolute value

absolute value

The value of a number without regard to its sign. For example, the absolute value of +3 (written |;+3|;) and the absolute value of -3 (written |;-3|;) are both 3.