
[ uh-bound ]
/ əˈbaʊnd /

verb (used without object)

to occur or exist in great quantities or numbers: a stream in which trout abound.
to be rich or well supplied (usually followed by in): The region abounds in coal.
to be filled; teem (usually followed by with): The ship abounds with rats.

Origin of abound

1325–75; Middle English abounden < Latin abundāre to overflow, equivalent to ab- ab- + undāre to move in waves; see undulate


a·bound·ing·ly, adverb o·ver·a·bound, verb (used without object) well-a·bound·ing, adjective

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British Dictionary definitions for abound

/ (əˈbaʊnd) /

verb (intr)

to exist or occur in abundance; be plentiful a swamp in which snakes abound
(foll by with or in) to be plentifully supplied (with); teem (with) the gardens abound with flowers; the fields abound in corn

Word Origin for abound

C14: via Old French from Latin abundāre to overflow, from undāre to flow, from unda wave