He returned when she took on the Abner Louima case, which was as momentous in 1999 as the Michael Brown case in Ferguson is now.
The cap stayed only because it referenced Civil War-era California state lawmaker Abner Weed, the namesake of the town.
This has happened before, to Amadou Diallo, Abner Louima, Emmett Till—even during the New York City draft riots of 1863.
A few days later Abner Pickett was sitting on his porch enjoying an after-dinner smoke.
"I'd kind o' like to see it, if it's handy," suggested Abner.
"It is I, Oleah," said Abner, stepping from under the branches of the old tree.
"If't comes to pluggin leaks ye kin look nigher hum nor Bosting," observed Abner.
When Abner shook his hand heartily at pushing off, Darry felt as though another link connecting him with the past had been broken.