A man's home is his castle

A proverbial expression that illustrates the principle of individual privacy, which is fundamental to the American system of government. In this regard, the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution — part of the Bill of Rights — prohibits “unreasonable searches and seizures.” (See also under “Proverbs.”)

notes for A man's home is his castle

Disagreement over the extent of personal privacy and over interpretation of unreasonable has brought many cases before the Supreme Court.

Cultural definitions for a man's home is his castle (2 of 2)

A man's home is his castle

People enjoy the position of rulers in their own homes, and others have no right to enter without the householder's permission.

notes for A man's home is his castle

The legal doctrine “A man's home is his castle” is reflected in the Bill of Rights: “The right of the people to be secure in their ... houses ... against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated.”