
before noon.
the period from midnight to noon, especially the period of daylight prior to noon: Shall we meet Saturday a.m.?
a morning newspaper, sometimes issued shortly before midnight.


WATCH NOW: What Are "a.m." And "p.m." Short For?

A.m. and p.m. ... we use them all the time, we know what they mean, but what in the world are they short for?

Compare p.m.

Origin of a.m.

From the Latin word ante merīdiem

usage note for a.m.

The abbreviation a.m. for Latin ante meridiem, meaning “before noon,” refers to the period from midnight until noon. One minute before noon is 11:59 a.m. One minute after noon is 12:01 p.m. Many people distinguish between noon and midnight by saying 12 noon and 12 midnight. Expressions combining a.m. with morning ( 6 a.m. in the morning ) and p.m. with afternoon, evening, or night ( 9 p.m. at night ) are redundant and occur most often in casual speech and writing. Both a.m. and p.m. sometimes appear in capital letters, especially in printed matter.

Definition for a.m. (2 of 3)


Master of Arts.

Origin of A.M.

From the Latin word Artium Magister

Definition for a.m. (3 of 3)

A and M

or A&M

Agricultural and Mechanical (college): Texas A and M.

British Dictionary definitions for a.m.


A.M., am or AM

abbreviation for (indicating the time period from midnight to midday)

ante meridiem Compare p.m.

Word Origin for a.m.

Latin: before noon